Thank you very much!
This was one of the most impressive weeks in the near history of this battle, heard so many dope entries and different vibes and I am absolutely stoked so many of you chose my tune,
thank you!
Will also deconstruct the beat in the next few days, anwering how I did the bass (@ruedenz), explain how there are (almost) no synths in this one (@Joa) and no claps used (@kifferei)
S/o to my old friend Arjaan who created & sent me the drum kit I used in the intro and bridge part (that mujst have been aaaages ago)
Will set up a battle in the coming one or hours, digging through my vinyl & CD collection. Of course it will be another tribute, this time for the next g.o.a.t. who recently passed away, B.Withers!
peace & thank you all again!