STBB # 914
ser0n8's & heartBreaks

congrats again ickmano !
and thanks for allowing me the honor of throwing up this new week's a themed one
we have .. two soul jams plus isolated stems and a free Kount pack to pick and choose from..
( Kount not to be used as main melody flip )
like the title says.. Serenade or express Heartbreak .. this can be towards, lover, family, friends.. pets.. heck, even an object
somehow make clear for who it is.. at least to the person it's intended for..
and a little insight for us would be cool too..
all entries are eligible !
all outside things allowed but keep the provided samples as the main focus of your flip..
enjoy !
The Fine Print:
Upload your beat to Soundcloud, include "STBB 914“ in the title, and POST TO THIS FORUM by Thursday 06:00 in the morning, Pacific time/15:00 CET
Try to leave as much feedback as you can and you will receive it back.
For easy browsing's sake, you can also go to the STBB page:
Label entries that are posted after the deadline as 'late entry' and entries that don't comply with the rules as: 'non-entry' in your track title.
EVERYONE VOTES - by Friday noon Pacific / 21:00 CET
Winner: post new sample, rules, etc by Friday midnight Pacific/ Sat. 09:00 CET and upload the sample here: CHOOSE 7 DAYS !